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Adam Chamberlin

The online playground of a digiatal cowboy and consummate athlete.

Great Notification Dreamhost

I woke this morning with the plan on spending some time updating mine and a few other sites I have hosted on my Dreamhost account. But after firing up Coda it reported it could not connect via ftp. So...

Nice one IE

Over the last few days I having been bringing back my old Vaio laptop from the dead. I purchased the laptop many moons ago, before my adventure into the world of Apple. But once I had found utopia...

Lazy Sunday Afternoons

It feels like ages since I’ve put together one of those more personal posts were I go on about stuff that no one else really understands. But today has been one of those crazy lazy Sundays that has...

I Only Wanted The New NIN Album

Yesterday saw the release of Ghosts I-IV from NIN. Not only was this release not really publicised but it was also following in a similar track of Radio head and their In Rainbows album. Not quite a...

How Many Fonts...

Jon Hicks has been ’fiddling’ with his site; his words not mine. If you take a visit over there you might notice some good looking heading tags. Or you might not. Why is that? Jon has decided to...

Are You html 5 or xhtml 2.0

I spent my lunch hour reading through Mike’s brilliantly well written article about the differences between the proposals for both html 5 and xhtml 2.0. Normally something like this would not have...

Graphic Design Poster Competition

Veerle started a competition last week with the goal to sum up what you thought graphic design is all about. I started off enjoying looking through the Flickr pool for the submissions until at the...

Sudbury Joggers

For the last couple of evenings when I have been out running round Sudbury I have noticed an abundance of other runners and joggers out there. On one run I actually saw the same person twice! Once...

Where is the price drop Apple?

Let’s be honest, since its launch back in March 2007 it has not exactly been as big as can be expected. Yet I have always had a little flame for the media box that is AppleTV and often found myself...

Sans iPhone

You have read that right, I am without iPhone. My beloved little gadget; the third arm I have learnt to live with; the grail of all Apple products has broken. It all started with a bike ride. The...