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well done son

I’ve just been checking on the progress of the ctrl.alt.delete band’s website and have been impressed. depsite the fact that he would never admit it this is gravy2012’s first step into the world of the big triple w.
it all started one rather over cast afternoon when I got a phone call from gravy to explain that his friends who set up ctrl.alt.delete a few years back were now hitting it big down in London and so wanted some web presence. after a quick chat gravy and band member dan popped round for a 101 on web sites. I’m no web designer or web guru but I managed to create a small site in a few hours, whilst gravy sat watching taking notes. since then he has taken over control and what you see now is 100% home grown gravy granules! I’m impressed, you have learnt well my young padawan. now just keep the client happy and teach me how to mig weld.