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The Search Begins

In the seven odd years; lovely fun filled years I might add, that Lucy and I have been together we have spent most of it in rented accomodation. From the very first flat to our current rather large house we have never really thought about jumping on the housing market.
Our current situation is that we rent a nice three storey Victorian weaver’s house located right on the meadows of Sudbury, whilst we have no garden due to it being sold as a garage forecourt the location and size of the house really makes up for this. In the begining we moved into this potential four bedroom house with a friend/lodger but as all those in this position know keeping the lodger a friend is very different to keeping the friend as the lodger. So it ended up with just the two of us rattling around in a good sized house; until…
The next door garage was sold off just before Christmas and last month we got wind that the house would be too. We have met the ‘would be’ landlords and they seem great but Lucy and I are now sitting there thinking this could be the right time to make the plunge and invest in bricks and mortar.
So the search begins for the 'right house’ in the 'right price bracket’ which is not going to happen, commit myself to 25 years of finance agreement? I can’t commit to Weetabix in the morning without having doubts! Needless to say we might be having some problems finding the right house, since we have lived in this house our, assets shall we say have increased and now realistically we need a barn to house our junk.
Well this week will be an interesting one as we start looking at some houses and starting talking finances!
