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The Post 30 Post

This time last week I woke up to my 30th Birthday. (Yes it has taken a while to write this, the started off with me making a big mistake and finished with a cold from hell) The plan for the day started with me waking to a massive migraine headache thing that put me on my ass (must be the age) After a while it passed and Lucy and I were due up at the farm for the statuary family get together. You know the process most of the immediate family are there, then there are some who travel a bit further but most of all it is a good excuse for the family to catch up. This time however we throw something into the mix; two families, both Lucy’s and mine. So sitting with my grandparents were Lucy’s brother and nephew Ant and Oscar. It was a strange setup but worked well. After the cutting of the cake it was planned to go out on the town and have a few drinks, but not too late, I’m getting old now. But I ended up sitting with my dad in the garden chewing the cud putting the world to rights. Eventually I got fed up with Lucy nagging so I got back in the car to go home and get changed. When I walked through the front door; SURPRISE!! Room full of friends and well wishers. I’ve never had a surprise birthday party in my life and I was knocked six ways over this. Turned out Lucy had been planning this for quite some time, even during the afternoon things were going on behind my back I did not twig. Sarah had not forgotten Farnkie’s feeding bottles; they went home to set up the food. Sally had not just left without saying good bye; she went to let Matt in to collect the balloons. Thank you to every one that turned up or was involved in the planning or execution. It was a total shock and awesome surprise.