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The Big 4

It’s official, next year we will try the end to end ride in 4 days! The knee injury is only just calming down and the doctor said I can start riding again yet the talk of knocking a day off the ride has been spoken about since we got back. Last night Dave came round for a chat and a catch up and to drop the bombshell; “do you want to go for 4 days?” Now it might be fact that I was watching Tom secure the yellow jersey in stage 3 of the Tour, or the fact that Lucy was not there to talk some sense into me but the words hell yes just flowed off my lips. Of course this is a big ask, it was bad enough doing the ride in 5 days but to then ‘lose’ a day somewhere is going to take some serious work. On the flip side I now know what is to be expected, when I’m told about a climb over Berrydale I know that the climb over Berrydale is a CLIMB over Berrydale. I know the terrain and I know the effort I required last time, I should then be able to build on it and perform better. My big problem is just my knee, I need to know in my own mind that I can rely on it and put that force through it again without it failing. Time to invest in a good physiotherapist I think.