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Technology Is Good

I know deep down Lucy thinks of me as a geek. And why not, I’m always messing about with computers or the latest web craze and technology. Yet since she has been working in the States I think she is slowly coming round to my way of thinking. When she returned from her last visit she had actually taken some photo’s and wanted to share them; so she set up a Flickr account. Since then she has adopted my old 300D and quite happily snaps away and uploads them. This time round whilst she is across the pond she has actually set up a Twitter profile! I am truly shocked by this one as she was forever complaining about the tweets from Twitterific as I sat there with the iBook. But I think the fact that she can check in with what I’m up to is one way of combating the home sick feeling. It just goes to show that all these application can be of some use and be used in the real world, not just as the latest internet fad.