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Off to a good start

This year’s Tour is off to a great start, especially given last years mess. The Prolouge was off to a great start, Britain’s hope was in the form of David Millar and Bradley Wiggins. Perosnally I did not think that either of them would be wearing the yellow at the end of the day but I really did not think that Fabian Cancellara would smash the field wide open by 15 seconds! Stage 1 deffinately belonged to the Brits, David Millar set out from the start to clock up the miles in front of the home crowd. Of course no matter how much you try you can not expect to finish first after a 200km break away. But Mr. Millar put on that classic British stiff upper lip and lead the way for around 150km; securing him the poka dot jersey. Let’s just hope that now the Tour has hit it’s home shores that every thing will go smothly and we can have a clean year without any ban’s or doping scandal’s.