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Life's Great when your full of

I really want to write snot but for the good of all others lets just say cold.

For the last few days I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather but I thought I would soldier on in the best way as I had quite a busy week end planned.

As most things in my life at present it was a very strong cycling based week end, the annual dinner of the Sudbury Cycle Club and then the first real event of the year, The Reliability Ride was taking place on the Sunday morning.
Saturday I was feeling a bit rough bit got ready all the same as I was the photographer for the prize giving at the meal, but by about half way through I was ready to say good night. The following morning I tried to get ready for the ride but ended up just falling over and crawling back into bed, nice!
My first real ride of the year and I’m in bed feeling sorry for myself, what a waste or as Dave for say ‘soft git’