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Interclub TT

Last night the Sudbury Cycle Club’s evening Time Trial took on a different meaning, it was an Interclub challenge with Colchester Rovers.
Due to the road works outside Lavenham the course was changed from the regular 10mile to the shorter 8mile Bridge Street. Sudbury was out in force with a sea of orange and white shirts at the sign on, however the opposing red and black of Colchester meant they had a fight on their hands.
I opted to take photo’s of the event instead of riding (sounded better to me), to which I went off down the course to find a good spot. Eventually I found a nice place just after a sharp turn where I could sit in the grass and catch the riders as they powered out of the bend.
The event started not long after 7 and it took over an hour to send off all 30odd riders. I hope I got a picture of most riders, let me know if you can’t find yourself.
After some waiting at the headquarters the results were in, Colchester have won the cup back!
Nevermind I’m sure we will get it back next year.