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iBook or PowerBook?

This question is bigger than pop socks and causing me a few moments of creating the classic thinker pose.
Should you get a iBook or a PowerBook? I’m after any one’s feed back and justification on this.
Before the standard ‘get a PowerBook; it’s better’ is rejoiced throughout the land here is the problem.
Next year I’m doing my end to end challenge, soon after that I’m planning a Wild Wales Challenge (or so it’s called) before these I hope to spend some time in France, then some more time after the events. Plus the standard UK events and venues I want to visit. Add to this using for work and general lazyness around the house. So all in all the machine will travel quite a bit, probably in a backpack or worse yet a support van or dark damp motel rooms (nice!). Would be nice to plug it into my display when at home but also needs to fit on the work desk at times. Wants to be man enough to cope with the abuse both from use and environment.
All I’m really after is something to store photo’s and music on, basic photo editing and uploading, mobile blogging and surfing and the odd bit of coding and flaffing with the site, more than likely end up doing more on it for work related projects.
To which the iBook is the cheaper and by accounts more robust, but the PowerBook is faster better and more shiny (thats a plus in my book) but the iBook leaves more in my pocket for something else…
Do I go for robust and hope it will survive longer than the machines spec’s or risk carrying a powerhouse around with me knowing if I knock it my heart will sink.