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Fucking Low Lifes!

First off sorry for the language, in the nigh on 3 years that I’ve been running this blog I have never used such language but what has happened got to me so much that I think it warrants it. This morning I came out to my car to find that some scum bag had reversed into it damaging the front bumper. The damage is not serious but it has removed the paint down to the plastic which will require a re-spray, but it is the principle of the event. I park my bug outside the house which is not a public through road, just access to the church. There is fee parking outside the houses in the row and then limited parking along the church. The bug is parked at the end of the free parking, next to the church entrance, but it looks like some one has tried to squeeze in but not done a good job. But what really sickens me is that they could not be fucking bothered to leave a note or report it! Christ sake you have reversed into my car, hit it and carried on reversing, get a fecking grip, learn to drive and admit your faults! Low life scum bag!