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Day 2

Start: Bridge Water End: Warrington Start Time: 7:20 End Time: 19:00 Distance: 193 miles Average Speed: Weather: No Wind, Sunny and Very Warm

Up early again and driven to where we stopped last night at Bridge Water. The weather is still good with a gentle wind. Set off at 7:20am. Everyone is still in good form and which is good as we have some catching up to make the miles up. Breakfast stop at 9:15am on the A38, Bristol just past Ashton with bacon and sausage sandwiches, tea and coffee. The weather is now hot but cloudy.

11:45am near Monmouth South after going over the Seven Bridge. A quick pit stop for flapsnak, banana’s and drinks. Unscheduled stop for sun cream application as the sun has come out, 12:30am. Pasted the border, Hereford England.

Lunch stop at 14:20pm in a lay by at Leominster. Current temperature 30’c, nice and sunny with no wind. Menu for today is tomato pasta, rolls, banana’s and drink for lunch. Everyone is a bit tired with sore bums and suffering a little from sunburn. The backs of my legs are very burnt and I wish I had shaved my legs like Rob did, it would have reduced the pain when put a total sun block on!

Next stop is at Bayston Hill just before Shrewsbury at 16:55pm. It’s still warm and sunny but at least now there’s a slight wind. Just a quick stop for refreshments.

We carried on all the way to Warrington as we knew we had a few miles to make up. We didn’t stop till 21:00pm, everyone was very tired and the only food we could get was a nutritious MacDonald’s but we did achieve 194 miles, a PB for everyone.

Photographs from Day One