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DAS Passed

Yesterday I had my last lesson on the CB500 with Ian over at Excel Rider Training. It started at 9:30 in the morning with my test booked for 13:30 that afternoon. To be honest it was a long day and as it went on my nerves were getting worse, have not felt like this for a quite a while; well since my driving test. I knew my Achilles heal would be the U-Turn having slam dunked the bike twice on the last session. Sure enough on the practice rounds I was all over the place and riding like I suffered from DT’s. Even the weather looked against me as it had been raining for the last day and the back roads had rivers of gravel and debris running down the middle of the lanes. Half one soon arrived and there was no more hiding, it was time to ride like never before. I was introduced to Terry the examiner and we set about getting the test underway. Luckily the rain had cleared and the sun was out drying the roads. Looking back the test was a bit of a blur but something must have been right as after 35 minutes I was back at the test centre with my pass certificate! Problem is now I have to decide on which bike to invest in…