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Core Bike Show 2007

It is that time of year again, the time when some of the main distributers get together and try to sell there wares to the local dealers. Last year the event was in it’s infancy and as such not a vast number of exhibitors or visitors. This year it has really stepped up a gear. From the change in location; Whittlebury Hall is by far a better choice to the outskirts of Birmingham! But also the number and quality of manufacturers present was an improvement. Do not get confused this is no CycleShow and is not open to the public but it is a great chance to see what will be on offer and what you could stock up with during the next year, if you’re really in the mood it is also a great networking opportunity! My main goal was to see as much shiny things and carbon fibre made treats as possible. I was not disappointed! The first stop was the ‘extra’ room, the main distributors for Topeak and Easton. Of course with Easton there it was a field of carbon, from the spanking new EC90 Equippe handle bars right down to the BMC SLC01 which contains Nano technology! I was particularly taken by a set of Easton TempestII wheels, possibly my next purchase, a very sweet set of deep section alloy rims, built around their very efficient Velomax hub. Also in there were the boys from Maverick, they have taken their hydralic seat post from last years show and given it a bar mounted adjuster. Behind Maverick were the BMC frames with the new team colours on show for the SLC01. After this we headed off to a presentation from Fizik on the new range of saddles for the coming year. It was an interesting 20minutes with the Italian guys, who seemed very concerned about preventing damage to my genital area, then they were equally concerned about preserving the female form which I could not agree more with ;) On the way out we stopped by the Hope stand. On show here was the latest from the hub and brake people, the best from the room was the new vented disc! Oh yes, vented disc’s for a mountain bike, add to this the carbon levers and the new chainsaw’esque discs on the standard models and this look to be good. To be honest the rest of the show was a bit blah, there was some lovely bits of kit on offer but nothing that really stopped the show and made me go; heeee hawwww I gotcha getz me one of demz! to which I will just sum up in pictures as they speak a thousand words, check out the stream on Flickr