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Christmas is a trying time

Christmas is over and the New Year is in full swing and if I were to be brutally honest, I can not wait to look forward and put everything behind me. Last month Lucy’s mum; Jacqui was diagnosed with breast cancer which was a complete shock to the family. Needless to say the hospital and all groups have moved like lightening to get some support and start treatment. However it did put all festive plans on hold and made every one involved keep an open book whilst the first session of chemotherapy was issued on the Friday before Christmas. The plan was for a Christmas travelling to Stamford and visiting family members, in stead we have a last minute Christmas at home with Jacqui. The close family all made the trip to Sudbury where the siblings all muscled in to produce the Christmas meal. Despite the fact that Jacqui looks great and claims to be feeling well, you can tell that the poison is doing it’s job and eating away inside; that’s some nice treatment! So the rest of the holiday was spent either checking in on or staying close to the phone. The second session of chemo was this last Friday, and there will be three hour infusions every two weeks for quite a while yet. This whole experience has really put a few things into perspective. The whole pink for October thing the other month has never really meant as much as it does now. You always hear the stories and tales, and you feel bad for the people involved but you never really get a feel for the whole situation until it happens right on your own door. All we can do is put this last year in the past and look forward to a new one. It will not be an easy one to start with but hopefully it will finish a whole lot better than it started. Good luck Jacqui.