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Can We Have Some Order Mr. Chairman?

Last night I chaired my first committee meeting. During the Annual General Meeting of the local cycle club last month, chairman Peter Whitely decided to step down as chairman. During the silence that followed and the prolonged silence after volunteers were asked for, I sat there and pondered the idea. I should have looked back over time and realised that I just can not say no, instead I poked my little hand up and put forward an option. We would have one chairman and two vice chairpeople. I opted for the head chair and Roger and Robin said they would help me out in any way with the running of the club. I honestly have no idea what I should be doing or where I should be going, in fact during the meeting I kept looking at Peter for guidance. That said I’ve never backed down from a challenge so I’m here for the long haul, just got to find a way to keep every one on track.