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Bank Holiday weekends

After my visit to to the D&D house on Friday (see below) Lucy and I kind of got invited to a BBQ with Carol and John with Dan and Dell. It started out a bit on the strange side trying to get Augie down to the pub and onto the house without the use of a cab but the ever adventure seaking Dan and I opted to walk and what a good decision. Weather was top notch and worth effort. After a few jars in the local, ok a fair few we stumbled out to lit that primitive oven and have a laugh.
Nice hand placement Dan!
Gas BBQ’s rock, light it and 10 minutes later you are cooking, as long as you remember the gas eh John!
Stawberries already
Thanks to Carol and John who looked like they must have cleared out the local butcher or at least taken some livestock straight of the meadows, I’ve still got some ribs left.
Feed and fueled
Even Augie seemed to be enjoying the day, well he was being treated like a king and being feed the food of the gods, well in the dog world it must be, thou the cat biscuits rocked and even I had to enjoy these!
Told you I would get you!
What Bank holiday week end would not be complete with the age old ‘Englishman in newspaper hat’. John your a star and I did warn you I would put a picture on the internet, all the best!
After the food it was back to the house for a quick drink and a mooooovie, thanks all for a great day!