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What a busy few months

Wow looking back at my site the last article I wrote was nearly 4 months ago. Damn the time flies when your on the cross roads of life and life changing decisions mean you have to take a break and access where your going. So if you know me or have followed this blog you will no doubt know that I work as a sales development manager for Oscar Products; a small local packaging wholesaler. Unfortunately thanks to this sudden movement in the “save the environment and don’t use a carrier bag” inspired by the Daily Mail and green movements. Now I’m not going to start the whole debate of should you do this or that with your packaging, but what I will say is that this sort of information damages. The damage this time around was the downturn in business for Oscar Products; so much so that there had to be some serious cost reductions to keep the company afloat. One of those costs was me. So instead of enjoying the beginnings of the summer I spent May trying to reflect on life and contemplating my options given that as of the 1st June I will be made redundant. Obviously the first step was to get my name on the local recruitment agencies and employment services. But my second step was to decide what I wanted to do as I saw this as a second chance. Of course my love for the internet came to the front so I started looking for a job in this industry. Easier said than done when you have no portfolio and nothing much to show for your time, so after a few set backs I sat down with Lucy and we talked about my options, we decided I need to start at the bottom again and work my way up; build a career and a suitcase of projects. In stepped Prolog; a local company but a National leader in logistics and fulfillment. Around Sudbury if you mention Prolog most people think you work on the Tiscali broadband call centre, however there is so much more to the company; one of those is a Creative Services studio that produces printed and new media in the forms of web sites. Turned out they needed a web developer, that also doubled up as a studio assistant with the printed stock. The salary was not right but the opportunities and inspiration was just what I was looking for. June 1st I started as the new web developer at Prolog. Within the first few weeks I was working on a printed magazine and experiencing Quark Express for the first time. A month on I’m producing company documents and helping the studio manager produce a national magazine. I’m now two months into my new job and so far it is looking great. So much so that I’m able to sit back down in the evenings and enjoy my time. Which will hopefully mean I can blow the dust off this site and get writing again.