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So The Big Cat Is Coming

If you are a Mac user you will no doubt know that the new OS 10.5 is on the way. In fact Leopard is due for release on the 26th October; only a few days away. So far I’ve always upgraded to the latest version but recently I’ve lost the way with Apple. Despite other bloggers detailing a few reasons why they would upgrade, if I was asked a month ago if I would the answer would be ‘not straight away’ I’m not loosing my love of Apple, I am just not in a position to keep upgrading and take advantage of the new technology. We all know that you can not stand in the way of progress but every time I purchase a new piece of Apple hardware before I’ve finished reading the manual it has been super-seeded! My current setup is a dual G5 PowerMac as my main machine, a G4 iBook for traveling and an old G4 iMac for looking good in the living room! The new version of Leopard feels that it is all about Intel Mac’s, built in iSights, FrontRow and basically stuff that will push my resources to the limit. Yes everything looks completely sick; Spaces and Time Machine for instance, but what in that complete package will really benefit my current usage, not much I’m afraid. But I did say if you asked me a month ago. Ask me now and I will be the first in the line to try and get a copy. My new Mac at work is the reason for the change and the main point for me is the iTunes style Finder sidebar. Working in a Windows network I am for ever 'connect to server’ and trying to find resources on the network. By the looks of it every machine in the local workgroup will appear in that sidebar, making everything so much easier. Well thats what I think Apple want me to believe. I’m all for it, plus my new work iMac is an Intel Mac with a built in iSight and FrontRow. I guess I’m just the right candidate, either that or I just need to find the right excuse reason to upgrade.