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24th And I'm At Home

It is the morning of the 24th September; around 8:30, and by all accounts I should not be here. In fact I should be some where in Scotland on a bike making a dash for the border, taking part in another end to end cycle ride. Yet instead I’m sitting here with a laptop trying to decide what to do today. Beginning of the month everything looked to be on track for another crack at cycling the length of the British Isles. I’d booked the holiday, started the training and was feeling in good form for the event. Then with only a week to go the company that Dave works for; who originally set this up as a charity event, pulled the plug! Not a compromise or a deal to be struck just a rug pulled out from under us. To say I’m gutted is a bit of an under statement, the last few months have been spent clocking up the miles. I even built a bike for this year’s ride and had great hopes for it. Now I’ve still got the week off so I’m sitting here surfing YouTube and generally just wasting time. No matter as Halo3 will be out in a couple of days…