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A year on

It was a year ago to the day that a group of ex Grabor employees all met together at the Boat House in Sudbury. So what better way to mark a year on but to organise another meeting. I was not certain what to expect, not really sure what a lot of the ex workers were doing with themselves these days. Added to the fact I was not feeling too hot I actually wanted to pass on the day. Regardless Lucy and I went along to find the usual crowd of workers and managers sitting there all asking the same questions: “so what are you doing now?”, “how is life treating you?”, “do you know what happened to so’n’so?” It was good to see a few of the old faces and see how every one else is doing, would have been nice if a few more white coats made the effort. Don’t you always find that if you start drinking at 3 o’clock in the afternoon it is very difficult to stop. Eventually you end up sitting there over a vodka thinking about food but knowing you can’t really stomach it! Yet when you have a cook like Dan to the rescue, chili squid has never tasted so good. FarmFest The down side to this extended drinking session was that I missed ‘FarmFest’ at Bassetts Farm. This was going to be Acton’s take on Glastonbury with ctrl.alt.delete, Black Marriah and some sets from London based jockeys providing the backdrop.