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What did you do at the weekend?


After my fun time at PC World and a few other chores Lucy and I headed over to see an old friend; Glen. He had invited us to a BBQ (of sorts) so we arrived just before 6. Problem was Glen had planned on building some decking to have the BBQ on, so far he had only sized up one timber to drill into the wall! Despite not being dressed for the event I opted to get stuck in and help. Lucy went for the easier option of having Jess do her nails and then finally doing the actual cooking part whilst we carried on working. I am not the best DIY’er in the world and there were some sections when I totally lost the plot; me and power tools don’t mix, well they do I love them but I’m trigger happy with everything. But by the end of the evening we had the main frame built and around a third of the decking down, turns out that building decking at 11o’clock in the evening is not popular so we had to stop for the night. Unfortunately due to workload I had to pass on helping again on Sunday but Glen soldiered on and I think the results speak for themselves. Maybe next time we will actually get the BBQ part done!