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How do they sleep at night?

On Firday Lucy had to visit the local retail park to buy a camera for work. Whilst there she popped into PC World to pick up a Mighty Mouse for me. (yep my S+arck was looking a bit long in the tooth and I’ve been meaning to get a MM for a while) When I got home I opened the outer wrapping of the mouse to find a used dirty mouse inside! Some one had obviously used it, then just put a bit of heat wrap round the outside and put it back on the shelf. If this was a £10 Logitech mouse going on a beige box I would not mind but this was my two buttoned Apple mouse, I’m not having that. The next morning we took it back, of corse for a full repleacement, we did check it was clean. But whilst we were there we stopped by the Apple stand only to be even more shocked by the level of service of PC World. There stood a couple with two toddlers in tow, looking at there first computer purchase, they were looking at Apple laptops, a MacBookPro and a black MacBook. Stood with them was a PC World attendant. “So does this black one also come in silver?” asked the customer. “errr… yeah” PC World. Sorry what was that, you will sell him a silver MacBook? OK I might be a bit Apple sided here but you should at least know the products you sell in the store. The salesman then went on to say that there was not any decent software for a Mac out there and that support for a PC is so much better. Don’t get me wrong the PC has it’s place and yes given the option I would recommend a PC to this chap due to his requirements but if PC World are going to sell Apple at least get some staff that know what is going on and will provide some legitimate advice.