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Giro d'Italia

Some of you might know of a little cycle race going on at the moment; the Giro d’Ilaila. For those that don’t here is a quick re-cap; imagine the Tour de Frane in Italy. Simple really, well that is the simple version.

I’ve not been following this as closely as I would like but I caught up with the results after the Stage 11 Time Trial. Since Lance departed from racing last year there was a big ‘who’s the next yellow jersey contender’ question. My money was to be put on either Ivan Basso or Tom Boonen. You could see it in Basso during last years Tour, he put up a fight to the end and so far this year he is proving to be a winner. He has lead the Giro most of the way so far and does appear to be looking back. Boonen on the other hand has been on a winning streak all year, apart from the Paris-Roubaix, but just not sure he is Tour leader material yet. The results of the Time Trial did indicate one thing, big Jan is not out of the race. Well he is out of the race in the Giro, sitting in the mid 40’s, but he still has it in him to compete. You can find full details of the results so far at