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Give me the gift of time

Do you ever sit there and think there are not enough hours in the day? How will I get everything I have planned to do done?
At present it just feels like my plate is overflowing with things that need to get done. Along with the usual work flow, general day to day business and training tonight I’ve got to put together the April edition of the local cycling club’s newsletter. Somewhere I also need to design a sponsorship form for the End to End race and get those circulating. To add to the mix there have be some superb games released lately which I really would like to have a crack at. I managed to wonder through some of GRAW and a bit of Tomb Raider but Obilivon really needs some quality time.
Having not really got enough on I also signed up for the Sprint Reboot which is now luming closer.
This week end of course is a holiday but I’m helping out at the Sudbury Fun Run on Friday morning and then I’m off to spend the week end in a tent in North Norfolk, not much hope of any site re-deisgns there. Oh yeah, got to prepare for that and find a tent!