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blurry weekends

Don’t you just love those week ends were you plan to do all those things you put off during the week. You have a big long list of items that need to be completed; your even thinking about putting up that curtain rail you have put off for days. So you finish work promtly on Friday, journey home to meet your neighbour who asks if you fancy going out for a meal. So you agree; whats the worse that can happen…
You finish your mixed balti and sink enough double Southern Comforts to knock out a small country, you then progress round the town enjoying the new late licencing laws. There is a blank patch now but thats all good. Next thing you know it’s 3 in the morning your sitting at home not knowing where you are or what happened; time for bed.
Now Saturday was the curtain rail day but instead you can not move, you do not wake until the afternoon where you drag your sorry ass out of bed only to find that you were better off in bed. You drag it back and try watching Harry Potter, does he have to be so loud all the time!
So you decide to wipe Saturday off as a waste of time but it’s ok you have Sunday. So you wake ready to go, no, weekly club run first. So still a bit wobbly you go out on your bike, having not eaten anything since the ill fated curry on Friday. It’s ok just a quick run then on with the plan. You get home at lunch time actually feeling better and quite good but then the thought hits you, coursework. The Photoshop course you are on is drawing to an end on Monday and you need to write that evaluation report in time. Sunday afternoon is spent in front of a pc typing away about posterisastion and thinking of all the things you had planned on doing.
I love those week ends were everything goes to plan and you really feel good about achieving all those goals!