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Semer Hill Climb

This morning I took part in my first cycling event. Since I started cycling the plan was always to have a good 8 months of training and getting used to the scene and pick up the racing at the begining of next years season. However thanks to my inability to say ‘NO’ and Brian gently pushing me along I signed up for the local Hill Climb event.
The race was held by Sudbury Cycle Club and was an open event with people from all over the area taking part. As such it is a very small course, only 500meters the problem is that those 500meters go up a 11% hill. To be honest that is not a vast climb, it’s no Madone thats for sure, but for Suffolk it’s a killer!
I set a time of 1.01:3 which was not too shabby for my first attempt (if I don’t mind saying so myself) I would have liked to come under the 1minute barrier but given the competition that would be hard going. Least now I have started the ball rolling and I have the targets set and can only go forward from here.
Many thanks to all those that took part and helped organise the event.