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so what is it you want!?!

Why do people phone up and just try to mess you about?
I’m sure they don’t mean to but how can people just be so unhelpful when they want information from you. I sell and supply carrier bags and packaging supplies, a lot of it is bespoke printed carrier bags made to order to which we have each bag made to suit the clients needs and requirements. We will always try and help and find the correct bag for the correct function but when people phone up and just ask for a bag it does not really help. Of course with the buisness in mind you always try and obtain all the information; size, print specification, quantity and delivery lead time to name but a few. The category of people that have me writing this are the people that are “setting up a new business” and have seen a nice bag that they want to put xyz in. “what size is it? I ask, "carrier bag size” is the reply, sorry but does this help? We make carrier bags to put earings in also ones to put a pair of new boots and coat in, plus the various sizes in between, care to narrow it down?
I know when you start out on a new venture everything is a gamble and sometimes you never know what you want but please try and get some of the details sorted before calling me, I will help and I do want to find the correct bag for you just making it easier than pulling teeth!

Sorry, it’s been a busy time and every so often you just need to vent some steam. If any of my customers find themselves here, you know I never mean it ;)