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Pinch and a punch...

for the first of the month!
How quick is this year flying through, already into August and if you live in the UK you will no doubt be wondering where the summer has got to. So far we had one spell of really hot weather and that was it, just plain old grey days from then, about time it warmed up and gave you something to smile about before those cooler September days creep up on you.
Any way this is the worse time of year for me, the schools have broken for summer which means the towns are ruled by chavs! I can think of better ways to spend my time than wading through a sea of Burberry caps and Reebok Classics. What ever happened to jumping on your bike and riding for 3 hours no stop to see how far you can get, then find a wood some where and build a unstable structure with nothing but branches and shoe-laces. Now the younger generation won’t move unless they are bought a mini-moto and promised a Mc Donalds at the other end. Yes I know we all had a wild side and we all like to push the boat out at times but the state of things at present is mad, makes you wonder where we will be in another 10 years.