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Price on black gold

Lucy is out at work this morning and so I was left to just rattle about the house for a few hours so what do you do?

If your really bored I guess you could check the news for news of the current oil price? So I did!
OK, I’m not that geekish to really check the price to much, I don’t keep an eye on the FTSE either but when you are a merchant of polymer products you do have a vested in interest in the price of oil, especially with hurricane Dennis giving the gulf of Mexico a run for it’s money. Thursday morning oil rose to a all time high of $62.10 per barrel, in the office we had fears of further price increases in polythene (making our job just that little bit more fun) we already heard through the grape vine that prices are due for a increase in August but this could put a lot more pressure on the rumour. Thankfully this news article is showing some positive signs, still not good news for the people located in the flight path of Dennis but it does look like the precautions are being taken. - Oil drops as fears over Hurricane Dennis ease