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I'm Not As Thunk As You Drink I Am!!

Yesterday i returned from my annual boating trip on the Norfolk Broads. It comprises of a three day boat hire with 9 mates to sail, relax, bond and indulge on the occasional glass of sherry, this year aboard the Superior Gem 4!
Superior Gem 4
Ok so we managed a fairly good effort of over 350 beers in 60 hours and that was just on the boat, many more were consumed out in pubs, clubs and towns, plus we had to sleep in that time period as well!! Either way, we faired up a bit better than this family who must have a sinking feeling!
Sinking feeling
As we sat at Great Yarmouth Yatching Station on sunday afternoon, i noticed a bit of a frackard going on in the harbour masters office. As he walked out, i enquired as to what was going on. He informed me that a hire boat had struck a channel marker pole between Breydon Water and the entrance to Great Yarmouth Harbour. Armed with a freshly lit cigarette and a healthly full can of Foster’s, myself and two others went to investigate. We stood and watched the boat take in water while the Great Yarmouth Fire Service desperately tried to pump it out. Within 10 minutes, the fight was over and the boat was lost, leaning on one side and presumed hitting the bottom. At this point my beer ran out, so it was back to the boat for a top-up and a quick grab of the camera. A good bit of entertainment for a sunday afternoon!!