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101% True Geek Now

Last night was the final straw, I am now a complete geek. I had my shopping delivered from web to door! I will be honest I’m not a big fan of grocery shopping, it is so mundane. Added to this I am slowly developing a phobia of the local Tesco’s store; I’m fine in Waitrose, in fact I love going there. But apart from an organic soft cheese spread Waitrose do not have much in the way of sandwich fillers. Tesco’s on the other hand do a great range of chunky sandwich spread’s. Sorry I digress, this should be about geek life-style not sandwich fillers! Anyway due to a lot on my plate at present it was decided that Lucy and I would try out the Tesco home delivery. After a quick sign up and a tour round the shop we were off. It probably took longer than expected but once we are get to know were the virtual bread aisle is we will be fine. At the checkout a 7-9pm delivery window was scheduled and life carried on. True to their word the man with a van turns up and our shopping is delivered, what a time saving exercise. Now all I need to do is find a way for friends and family to be delivered to the door and I can live in piece in my interweb world.